General Documents
- Statutes of the Estonian Military Academy
- Development Plan of the Estonian Military Academy
- Rules of Procedure of the Governing Council
- Rules of Procedure of the Academic Council
- Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Board (in Estonian)
- EMA Quality Assurance Concept
- Estonian Military Academy Core Values (in Estonian)
- Internationalisation Policy
- Conditions and Procedures for the Provision of Fee-charging Services (in Estonian)
Research & Development Documents
- EMA Department of Applied Research Statutes
- Guidelines for Conducting the Human Resource Survey of the EMA
- Procedures of Service for the Academic Staff of the EMA
- Research and Innovation Policy of the Ministry of Defence Field of Governance
- EMA Research Groups in Social Sciences 2019-2023
- EMA peer-reviewed publication plan 2022-2024
- Estonian Military Academy Rules and Regulations for R&D Activities
- Description and Scheme of the Process of Publishing Research Articles
- Examples of R&D articles in magazine Sõdur
- EMA Academic Library User Statistics 2023
For Students & Academic Staff
- Rules of Procedure of the Appeals Committee
- Feedback Plan
- Peer Observation of Teaching
- Mentoring Policy
- Statutes of Curriculum
- Study Regulations
- Conditions and Procedures for Admissions to and Exclusion from Degree Studies
- Admission Criteria for Degree Study Programmes
- Guidelines and Procedures for Final Theses
- Policy and Procedures for the Recognition of Prior Learning and Professional Experience
- Practical Placement Guidelines for the Master’s studies curriculum
- Practical Placement Guidelines for the Land Force PHE curriculum
- Practical Placement Guidelines for the Air Force PHE curriculum
- Practical Placement Guidelines for the Navy PHE curriculum
- Practical Placement Guidelines for the Vocational Education Programme
Legal Acts
- Higher Education Act
- Standards for Higher Education
- Common Assessment System at the Level of Higher Education (in Estonian)
- Vocational Educational Institutions Act
- Standards for Vocational education
- Common Assessment System at the Level of Vocational Education (in Estonian)
- Estonian Defence Forces Organisation Act
- Military Service Act
- Civil Service Act
- Employment Contracts Act