

Contacts of the Estonian Military Academy

Riia 12, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
E-mail: akadeemia[at]mil.ee
Tel: +372 717 6100

Commandant of the Estonian Military Academy
Brigadier General Viktor Kalnitski
717 6100viktor.kalnitski[at]mil.ee
Sergeant Major of the Estonian Military Academy
Sergeant Major Indrek Ojasoo
717 6003indrek.ojasoo[at]mil.ee
Department of Administration
Commandant’s Administration
Deputy Commandant
Colonel Raul Järviste
717 6002raul.jarviste[at]mil.ee
Communication and Marketing Group
First Lieutenant Mari-Liis Päären
717 6091
510 0231  
Department of Academic Studies  
Head of Department
Nele Rand
717 6301  nele.rand[at]mil.ee  
Chief Specialist of Academic Cooperation, Mobility and Traineeship
Piret Tamm
717 6308  piret.tamm2[at]mil.ee  
Student Corps 
Head of Student Corps
Captain Märt Reedi
717 6201  mart.reed[at]mil.ee  
Department of Applied Research    
Head of Department
Lieutenant Colonel Taavi Laanepere
717 6251   taavi.laanepere[at]mil.ee  
Centre of War and Disaster Medicine
Head of Centre of War and Disaster Medicine
Neve Vendt

717 6221  

