
Guide for Contributors

1.  General

All papers should be submitted electronically with 1.5 spacing.

The first page should contain the title of the article and full name(s) of the author(s). The last page of the article should contain the name of the author, as well as the rank, title, academic degree and appointment of the author:

Captain Joonas Joonlaud (MSc), lecturer, Chair of Tactics, ENDC

2.  Abbreviations

Less known abbreviations and acronyms, as well as longer names when their shorter versions are used afterwards, should be spelled out where they first appear:

Course of action (hereinafter: COA), Estonian National Defence College (hereinafter: ENDC), the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (hereinafter: the Vienna Convention).

There is no need to explain well-known acronyms and abbreviations:

Dec, CPT, USA.

There should be a full stop after abbreviations:

ibid., p. (page), pp. (pages).

3.  Italics and Quotation Marks

Italics should be used to indicate concepts and quoted words, as well as longer quotations (see Clause 4):

ad hoc, bellum iustum.

Foreign names and the acronyms of foreign origin are not italicised:

Wehrmacht, newspaper Universitas Tartuensis, KVÜÕA;

Most words in a title are capitalized (every noun, every verb, every adjective, and every adverb. Prepositions and articles are not capitalized).

When quoted in the text, titles should be in quotation marks.

4. Quotations

In shorter quotations, quotation marks are used, if the quotation is three lines or longer, set it off as a block quotation and put it in italics. For leaving words out of a quotation, use an ellipsis mark – three dots between the dashes /…/. If something is inserted within the quotation (including words and letters), a pair of brackets should be used to enclose the addition. The quotation should be in its original version even if it contains mistakes. To indicate the mistakes in the quotation, [sic!] can be used.

5. References


Generally, footnotes are used. If a sentence or a paragraph is referred to, the footnote number follows the final punctuation mark. When referring to a word or phrase at the end of a sentence, the footnote number is placed before the final punctuation mark.

If the same source is referred to more than once, the reference should resemble the following:

Huntington, S. P. 2001. The Religious Factor in World Politics. – Religion und Politik. D. Ruloff. Ed. Zürich: Rüegger, p. 147. [hereinafter: Huntington 2001]

From the second reference onwards, the source is referred to by the family name of the author, date and page:

Huntington 2001, p. 148.

If the immediately preceding source is referred to, the Latin abbreviation ibid. should be used:

ibid., p. 202.

5.2. References format

a) book:

Weithman, P. J. 2002. Religion and the Obligations of Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 4.

b) artricle:

Atkinson. H. A. 1932. Religion as a Cause of War. – The Causes of War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific, and Political. A. Porritt. Ed. London: Macmillan, pp. 114–118.

Fairbanks, C. H. Jr. 1995. The Postcommunist Wars. – Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6, No. 4, October, p. 36.

c) Internet source:

Noeth, R. J; Volkov, B. B. 2005. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology in our Schools. – ACT Policy Report. ACT. 02 November.

<http://www.act.org/path/policy/reports/index.html>, (accessed February 20, 2006).

To the Internet address, the date of access (the date on which the author accessed the source) should be added in brackets.

All references should also be included in the References at the end of the article.
